Building Sustainable Supply Chains Through

Trust & Verification

An agricultural data platform that drives better practices, sustainability, supply chain collaboration, and transparency.

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Advanced Features

Offering Powerful Insights to Drive Data-Fueled Progress

Data Digitization & Centralization
Streamlining data collection & collaboration with one source of truth, simplifying the fragmented data processes hindering supply chain transparency.
Carbon Intensity Scoring
Protocols to measure, report, & verify climate impacts, including carbon intensity scoring, anchored by transparency and traceability.

AI Tools &
Driving better outcomes, predictability, and profitability while reducing climate impacts with our AI and machine learning tools.

Custom Reporting & Data Sharing
Customizable key data elements (KDEs), reporting, and verification tailored to drive supply chain trust and collaboration.
Integrated Consumer Product Application
From producer to consumer, we drive trust through transparency and blockchain traceability for the information that matters the most

Solution Made For

Farming is complex. Managing data should be simple. We empower producers with tools that reduce inputs, increase efficiency, while maximizing yields.
Ag Input & Support Services
We offer customized data solutions designed to support your company, as you support your customer/producer to achieve better outcomes.
Climate Impacts
We collect the data to turn climate impacts into marketable assets through actionable insights, data driven and backed by leading industry stakeholders and science-based experts
Certifications & Compliance
Quality data is crucial, but every initiative is different. Our customized solutions drive trust through blockchain traceability for certifications, premium programs, and regulatory compliance.
Brands & Retailers
Build trust with the consumer and differentiate your brand by telling the story behind the product, traceable through IBM FoodTrust’s blockchain.

IRC § 45Z Low CI Feedstock. Verified.
IRC § 45Z is gearing up to reward farmers supplying low CI feedstock for ethanol. Cover crops, reduced tillage, manure application, reduced fertilizer use and switching to low carbon fertilizers all incrementally lower a farmer’s CI score, increasing the payout per bushel.
Start Now to Cash In
Section 45Z goes in effect January 1, 2025, so now is the time to digitize data and make production changes to impact your payout.
Verification & Traceability Will
be Rewarded
Our third-party verification and blockchain traceability will help our farmers get top dollar from ethanol buyers who carry the tax audit burden for these new transferable tax credits.
Digitalizing Land Impacts for Actionable Outcomes
With simplified data collection and visualization, producers and stakeholders can track practices and access opportunities through precision recommendations that improve soil health, reduce inputs, and increase yields.
Actionable Insights
Comprehensive visualization of all production data with outcome modeling, recommendations, and reporting.
Seamless Sync
Customizable data protocols that promote verification and transparency among supply chain stakeholders.
Science-based Analysis & AI Modeling
Cutting-edge technology to leverage production data with integrated lab testing, weather insights, and historical modeling for precision recommendations.
Lab Test Analysis
With lab integrations for Haney Soil and Plant Tissue Tests, we offer detailed insights on test results with recommendations for more informed decision-making.
AI Modeling & Predictions
Predictive analytics and scenario modeling offering precision recommendations for nutrient application, soil health improvement, and regenerative progress.
Optimizing Sustainability in Cattle Production
All-in-one livestock data management and analytics that promote efficiency, profitability, and supply chain transparency with actionable insights that drive climate smart progress and profitability
Planning & Oversight
A centralized hub for all operational data, optimizing production decisions, from tailored genetics to feeding efficiency to boost outcome predictability.
Data Traceability
We add value to better production practices with tools and integrations for simple but secure data collaboration, building trust through complicated supply chains.
Leveraging Technology for Agricultural Growth

Driving the digitization, flow, verification, and collaboration of quality data across the supply chain is our mission. We empower data-driven decisions that bolster sustainability and profitability through AI-powered insights

Our platform transforms transparent and traceable production practices, climate impacts, and product attributes into marketable assets for brands and retailers, fostering consumer trust and enhancing loyalty.

Foster, Jerod-5650
Foster, Jerod-5551
wise-up-app-1 (1)
100 K
Enrolled & Managed Acres
0 K
Managed Head
of Cattle
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Monthly Producer Platform Interactions
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Monthly Consumer Interactions

Easy integration with popular systems

Experience the power of easy integration with AgWise and unlock endless possibilities for your business.

John Deere
Case IH
New Holland
Field To Market

What our customer says

Discover why our customers are raving about AgWise! Our software has revolutionized the way they work, making their lives easier.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Interested in learning more about AgWise?  Below, we've compiled the most common inquiries our customers have about our software.

What do I need to begin?

Ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum fusce ut. Ultrices vitae auctor eu augue. Vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam.Nunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae congue eu consequat. Sollicitudin aliquam ultrices sagittis orci a scelerisque purus semper eget. Vel elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque habitant morbi. Laoreet id donec ultrices tincidunt arcu non sodales 

What is the ideal farm size?

Ridiculus mus mauris vitae ultricies leo integer. Eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien. Aenean pharetra magna acNunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae congue eu consequat. Sollicitudin aliquam ultrices sagittis orci a scelerisque purus semper eget placerat vestibulum lectus. Lectus quam id leo in vitae turpis massa sed. Tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac. Praesent semper feugiat nibh sed. 

What if my farm equipment is not integrated?

Tortor posuere ac ut consequat semper viverra. Egestas egestas fringilla phasellus faucibus.Nunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae congue eu consequat. Sollicitudin aliquam ultrices sagittis orci a scelerisque purus semper eget. Sed viverra tellus in hac habitasse. Suscipit tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed enim ut. In cursus turpis massa tincidunt dui ut ornare lectus sit.

What type of customizations are available?

sCondimentum vitae sapien pellentesque habitant morbi tristique. Sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies. Nunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae congue eu consequat. Sollicitudin aliquam ultrices sagittis orci a scelerisque purus semper eget. Quam pellentesque nec nam aliquam. Ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis.

Get Digitized Today!

From crop cycles to livestock health, our platform offers a comprehensive management solution, exceeding the limitations of conventional farm management systems.

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The Art of Connection

In the ever-evolving world, the art of forging genuine connections remains timeless. Whether it’s with colleagues, clients, or partners, establishing a genuine rapport paves the way for collaborative success.

Beyond the Obstacle

Challenges in business are a given, but it’s our response to them that defines our trajectory. Looking beyond the immediate obstacle, there lies a realm of opportunity and learning.

Growth Unlocked

Every business has a unique potential waiting to be tapped. Recognizing the keys to unlock this growth can set an enterprise on the path to unprecedented success.